Multiaxial Glass Sale Now On!
In our Special Offers section of our website, you will be able to find a range of products at a clearance price.
We currently have the below Glass Multiaxial materials for a reduced price:
- E Glass Biaxial (+/-45) 320g, 1270mm wide, *2nd grade material, (390010) – £1 / kg
- E Glass Bi-Directional (0/90) 625g, 1270mm wide – £1.20 / kg *(SOLD)
- E Glass Biaxial (+/-45) 771g, 1270mm wide high drape – £1.50 / kg *(SOLD)
If you are interested in any of the products, please contact the Sales team at 01282770666 or They will be able to provide you with all details including quantity and pricing.
We also have a variety of materials at a significantly reduced price, suitable to meet business needs. These products include Woven and Multiaxial Carbon fabrics, as well as Woven and Multiaxial Glass fabrics.
We recommend that you purchase as quick as possible, as once stock is gone, it is gone!
To see our special offers, please click here.